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Our Services

In today's globalized landscape, enterprises seek investment, foreign expansion, and financial resources. This drives them towards financing agencies and international investors, underscoring the need for reliable financial information exchange. With diverse legal regulations and accounting practices globally, international financial statement preparation is imperative, guided by recognized standards. Our independent audits produce objective, accurate financial statements aligned with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), aiding companies and stakeholders in strategic decision-making. Notably, discrepancies exist between statutory and IFRS financial statements, particularly for non-market trading entities.

Audit Consultancy

Global business entails persistent tax challenges. Today's decisions impact tomorrow's tax burdens. With tax laws increasingly intricate worldwide, proactive tax planning is crucial. We offer tailored tax advice, considering short and long-term goals, nationally and internationally. Effective tax planning yields profits, investments, and employment opportunities.

Tax Consultancy

There are significant differences between the statutory financial statements of companies outside of the institutions trading in the capital markets and the financial statements that are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

We provide its customers Advice on reorganisation/readjustment of the financial statements according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

IFRS Reporting

For finance professionals  and audit companies whom are in charge of financial reporting, IFRS training courses are available in UK, abroad and online and delivered by accredited training providers who are experts in this area.

IFRS Training

We provide special purpose audit services to our clients, especially in order to detect internal problems and issues and to produce solutions for addressing them.
Special audit service given in this scope can be classified as seen below:

  • Internal Audits

  • Operational Audits

  • Fraud Audits

Special Audit

Consulting (outsourcing) services covered by the legislation in force, for the creation of systems that they have to carry out the accounting records of the company, giving the monitoring and inspection service is one of our basic objectives are to produce accounting solutions.

Accounting Solutions

We provide special purpose audit services to our clients, especially in order to detect the internal troubles and to produce solutions for removing them.
Special audit service given in this scope can be classified as seen below:

  • Analysis of Intra-Industry Competition

  • Providing Domestic and Foreign Business Partnership

  • Consultancy for Financial Planning,

  • Borrowing and Restructuring 

  • Consultancy for Funding From International and Local Capital Markets

Business Development

In the face of the continuous changing needs of our customers in the markets they compete in, and to help them make headway in the deliverance of their stated vision and goals, we provide advice on the implementation  and objectives of the strategy to achieve those goals .

  • Sound governance for Family Businesses

  • Institutional Performance Management

  • Market Analysis and Assessment

  • Human Resources Management

  • Strategic planning

  • Corporate Finance Management

Management Consultancy

Leadership consulting is a holistic way of looking at the leadership capacity in your organisation to maximise its alignment with your business goals and turn it to your ultimate advantage.

We offer a consultancy service in which we will work with you to uncover your challenges and opportunities, using a number of tools that can help you assess your organisation's level of achievers. We will consult with you on the best way to address the outcomes of the assessment.

Consulting means having good conversations with us, the external consultant, and members of your organisation. It’s an in-depth dialogue aimed at discovering the organisation’s own leadership solutions and paths, and less so a generic knowledge transfer or replicated solutions.

For some time now, we’ve been walking with leaders on the paths of living the values, making courageous decisions and inspiring a vision that becomes reality.

We would like to join your journey as well.

Leadership Consultancy 

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